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We help you be you.

Hi! My name is Micah and welcome to The Collective Flow!

I am a professional speaker who firmly believes that living as a human is an art. It is something you want to be intentional about. Being born a human means you come with the ingredients, but it is up to you to learn your recipe. That’s where it is different for each of us. No one really knows what it is like to be you except you. 

However, we all have far more in common than we do different. When you start from this point the way the world looks changes. We are all in this together, alone. Each of us needs everyone else to be creating themselves intentionally. If we pull this off with the majority of our species, the world we will be able to create exists outside of things we can currently imagine. There will truly be no limit. 

The Collective Flow is a space to operate from where all of the parts that make you a whole function in sequence. Sequence is everything. The right thing at the wrong time is still the wrong thing. The right thing at the right time, now that’s life-changing. 

On this site, you will find resources on how to be human. There will be some techniques, concepts, and ideas that you can use to be more intentional about your life. I encourage you to use this place like a toolbox. Living in each of the articles is a tool to use that can help with anywhere you are in life. I wrote the articles to be living. Their application can change as you begin to grow and develop, so I encourage you to reread things every 90 days that had a big impact on you before. 

My greatest encouragement is to keep a daily journal of your life. This is the ultimate paying it forward to your future self, as my coach likes to say. 

If you have questions feel free to contact me. 

I hope this finds who needs it and good luck in your journey!
